Instructional Focus

Instructional Focus of the Hungerford School

It should be clear to every student, parent, and teacher what the standards of success are in every school. To better communicate expectations for learning the Hungerford School follows the Common Core Standards in conjunction with the goals on each student's I.E.P.

Teachers, School Administrators and Content Experts have developed the Common Core State Standards. The Standards clearly communicate what is expected of students at each grade level. This allows our teachers to be better equipped to know exactly what they need to help students learn and establish individualized benchmarks for them as indicated on the students I.E.P.  The Common Core State Standards focus on core conceptual understandings and procedures thus enabling teachers to take the time needed to teach core concepts and procedures well and give students the opportunity to master them as determined by I.E.P. goals. The curricula we use in our classrooms align to the objectives of NYS and national common core standards.

With students, parents and teachers working together on shared goals, we can ensure that students make progress each year and leave school prepared to succeed in their adult placements.

Parents can use the Instructional Focus calendar to monitor what children are learning, what they should be able to know and do at any time in the school year in conjunction with the student's I.E.P., and what they will be learning in the future. The process is beginning with standards related to reading and interpreting informational text (Standards 1-9)

Staff and students at the Richard H. Hungerford School will engage in a coordinated whole-school effort. This will enable all Hungerford school students to demonstrate growth and success in their ability to use content vocabulary through the implementation of a set of common, consistent and shared practices across all curricular areas in accordance with Citywide Instructional Expectations, Instructional Shifts, Common Core Learning standards, and Danielson Rubrics. Growth will be demonstrated by increased proficiency as determined by benchmark assessments and New York State Alternate Assessment.